Andre, An Ink Sketch

"Andre," 7" x 10", ink on multimedia artboard, commissioned Boxer portrait, private collection (THANK YOU!). This is another holiday gift that will be headed home shortly.

Andre's health took an unexpected turn for the worst last week, and my collector asked if I could put together a portrait in time for the holidays. We got to talking about the concept and this sweet lug of a boy, and I realized that an ink drawing would be the perfect touch.

I used to do these ink drawings all the time when I was a teenager. They are such a great exercise in reducing your subject to values - darks and lights - and are a nice way to deliver an intimate depiction. I hadn't done one in years, and thoroughly enjoyed myself this morning.

I like the contrast between the delicate lines and the big ole dog, too.

Let's hope that Andre remains comfortable through the next few weeks and blesses his family with one more holiday. My fingers and toes are crossed for them all.

Thanks for looking at, and sharing, my artwork with your friends and family -
Happy holidays -

PS I received a sad note from Andre's family that today was his last day with them. Please keep them, and all others who have said goodbye to loved family members, in your thoughts.

Tuck a Gift Certificate Under The Tree

Looking for a last minute gift? A certificate for a pet portrait is a great idea that will give the recipient the opportunity to participate in the portrait process, resulting in a painting they will cherish for years to come.

Email me for more information.

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